Student Ministry at The Fountain
The Fountain Students is a place where any student can belong, become who they are made to be in Christ, and go out and change the world!
Your first visit
6th - 12th grade students are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm - 8:15pm for our Student Service from August - May in our Student Center in the 100 building (first building on our campus). We meet at the same time as our other Midweek Gatherings for kids and adults, so there's something for the whole family!
Here's what to expect when visiting the Fountain Students for the first time:
The first time a student joins us, they'll fill out a Connect Card so that we can get them checked in...every first-time student receives a $5 Chick-fil-A gift card!
We'll have a time of hanging out with snacks, ping pong, gaga ball, and other games. Then we'll enter into a time of worship (don't worry... the words will be up on the screen if you don't know them!). After worship, we'll have a short message that practically applies to many of the things we're dealing with in life and break out into small groups. Then we hang out some more!
Throughout the year we have regular events that take place like rock climbing, escape rooms, and camping! During the Summer, we break from our regular Midweek Gatherings and have Bible studies that meet at homes with a pool! We also attend a week-long summer camp that involves learning and ministry.
We recommend following us on Instagram and signing up for our Remind texts to stay in the loop with everything going on with the Fountain Students!
Text @foun10 to 81010
Meet our NextGen Pastor
Calen Dees
Got questions?
If you have further questions concerning our Student Ministry experience, you can contact Pastor Calen: or 770.403.4140. God Bless!